Aug 02 2008


Category: election 2008,Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 1:41 pm

It may be getting to be time for a C.S.Lewis style “Lord, Liar or Lunatic” type of argument. I’m trying to decide between the last two.

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Aug 02 2008

Environmentalism unleashed = disaster

Category: Al Gore,environment,global warming,mediaharmonicminer @ 9:26 am

Here is a new book that exposes the really, really inconvenient truth behind eco-panic myths about the environment, and what the real effect of many “environmental policies” has been.

Who is the inspiration behind the single biggest human caused environmental catastrophe, causing the most preventable death, of the 20th Century? Al Gore’s heroine, Rachel Carson, with her crusade against DDT, the use of which would have saved tens of millions of lives taken by malaria, but which was banned due to her efforts, and a sycophantic crowd of Gore’s predecessors in the eco-panic movement.

Yep: Al’s in fine company.

This book is a needed corrective for the total collapse of the media’s reporting in the area.

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