Nov 14 2008

A bit late for Veteran’s Day, but worth the wait

Category: humor,music,USAharmonicminer @ 5:26 pm

Since my fellow blogger is a trombonist, I really couldn’t resist.

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Nov 14 2008

Rehabilitating the press? Nah… but they’ll try anyway

Category: media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 10:35 am

Victor Davis Hanson has his own prognostications for the future of journalism about Obama.

There will come a time in the year ahead when either Obama’s unexamined past will come back to haunt him, or his inexperience and tentativeness in foreign affairs will be embarrassingly apparent, or his European-socialist agenda for domestic programs simply won’t work. And as public opinion falls, what will MSNBC, the New York Times, the editors of Newsweek, a Chris Matthews or the anchors at the major networks say?

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