Nov 20 2008

The 650 Million Dollar Man

Category: media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 3:01 pm

Have you noticed the enormous number of articles in the major media, engaging in hand wringing over the amount of money Obama spent on his campaign?  Lamenting how we need to “get the money out of politics”?  Crying over the tens (or hundreds) of millions of unaccountable donations he collected?

Me either.  Suddenly, money in politics isn’t a bad thing, it’s just evidence of how loved Obama is by everyone.

Also, look for virtually all reporting on the homeless problem to cease within six months of the Incarnation… er, excuse me, I meant, the Inauguration.

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Nov 20 2008

Diversity quotas and lower standards for blacks in Law School Admissions actually reduce the number of black attorneys

Category: affirmative action,diversity,educationharmonicminer @ 9:13 am

This is not news, though it is papered over by the major media and academic administrators who care less about the long term outlook for minorities than they care about the short term appearance of politically correct admissions policies.

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