A Response to Christians Losing Their Faith
As many of you know, I have written much about the epidemic of people losing their faith. It is not only a concern, but an obsession of mine. Because of this, I engage with quite a few people on the issue. I often feel as if I serve as a last chance stop for many who are in their darkest hour, heading out the door of Christianity.
Thus begins a very thoughtful article with many useful links, which is worth reading completely, and saving, for that dark day when you realize your own faith has waned.
Many people suffer through periods where they question everything they ever believed. This includes people who have done great things in service to the Kingdom (whether or not they are recognized as such by the world or the church). Some of the greatest saints of history have had to endure this, and some have been in this state for years, or decades.
I think one of the most difficult aspects of this may be that it is difficult to be open with other Christians about it. It’s easier to hide and pretend than to put up with the people who try to argue you out of it, or don’t take it seriously, or just tell you to pray about it.
Nevertheless, I think it’s crucial for Christians in this position to find someone with whom they can share the entire thing. The person with whom they share needs to be someone they respect and trust, someone who has a decent background in scripture and apologetics, though professional training isn’t required.
I think the very worst aspect of this for the suffering Christian may be the crushing sense of being alone, of being unable to share it with someone.
I think that means that we should probably be talking a bit more about the fact that this DOES happen, and is not evidence that the sufferer is a bad person, a failed Christian, or whatever.
We should bear one another’s burdens. And we should not create a church-culture where expressing doubts, even very deep ones, is not acceptable.