The new Miranda non-warning given by airport TSA:
In short:
You do not have the right to remain silent.
You do not have the right to ASK if you have the right to remain silent.
You do not have the right to have money on an airplane.
Media observation:
If, instead of a Ron Paul supporter, this had been an ACORN worker on his way to Missouri to buy votes, don’t you know the media would have been all over this? Discrimination, harassment, “trashing the Constitution and Bill of Rights” would have been the cry of the hour.
In the meantime, the old line, “If you have nothing to hide then you should give up your rights,” is the first refuge of law enforcement scoundrels, to which the only response is to say, very politely, slowly and evenly, “I disagree, sir (or ma’am), that my rights do not mean anything, and I decline to surrender them without cause.”