So it’s official: the Nobel prize committee has decided it’s time to practice affirmative action, and award the Peace Prize to someone who hasn’t done anything yet, but might… maybe.
Here’s the list of former Nobel Laureates.
Generally, it seems to me that in order to get a Nobel Peace Prize, you must either do something good, or do something bad, or do something very loudly, even if it is neither good nor bad. As far as I can tell, President Obama is being awarded the Peace Prize for the signal achievement of not being George W. Bush. It’s a new category… a prize awarded for not being someone else.
He’s in good company… Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Yasser Arafat, Mikhail Gorbachev… great luminaries all, full of grace and truth. Or maybe just gin and vermouth. All those cocktail parties are hard work.
I wonder if any scientist has ever gotten a Nobel Prize for hoping and wanting to do some new science.
It is the ultimate paean to hope and change… with emphasis on the hope, since it’s obvious the Leftist agenda behind the Nobel committee has not changed.