Is the ‘U.S. furious over Israeli incitement against Obama’?
The U.S. administration is furious over Israeli incitement against President Barack Obama, Democratic congressmen close to Obama told an Israeli source who returned from a visit to Washington this week.
The congressmen even hinted that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been personally involved.
The source, who met in Washington with administration officials and members of Congress, told Haaretz he was stunned by the level of anger there over attempts to portray Obama to the American public as an enemy of Israel because of his efforts to restart peace talks and freeze settlement construction.
“There are people here who are playing with fire by damaging our relationship with the U.S.,” the source said.Last month’s summit in New York between Obama, Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas also reduced Washington’s expectations of a speedy resumption of final-status talks between Israel and the PA. While U.S. envoy George Mitchell will meet Netanyahu again Friday, the meeting is not expected to resolve the crisis in Israeli-Palestinian relations.
gosh… d’ya think?
I don’t think it’s “the U.S.” that is angry at “Israeli incitement against Obama”…. it’s just Obama who’s angry. Yet more people immune to his charm… so sad.
It must be hard to know that everyone doesn’t love you, and won’t do what you want just because you want it, without regard to what they think is in their own best interest.
First the IOC doesn’t award the Olympics to Chicago, and now this…. who do those Zionists think they are, anyway? How DARE they publicly disagree with the man who is single handedly revolutionizing the US role in world politics?
I think the peace process is in pieces.
In the meantime, Iran’s hudna goes on, fooling the gullible in the US government, the UN and NYTimes.