Dec 15 2008

Merry Christmas, with a little intergalactic reminder of the Logos

Category: Christmas,science,spaceharmonicminer @ 10:08 am

Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar 2008 – The Big Picture –

As we head into the traditional western Holiday Season, I’d like to present this Hubble Space Telescope imagery Advent Calendar. Every day, for the next 25 days, a new photo will be revealed here from the amazing Hubble Space Telescope. As I take this chance to share these images of our amazing Universe with you, I wish for a Happy Holiday to all those who will celebrate, and for Peace on Earth to everyone.

Shoot, I’ll just go whole hog and say, Merry Christmas!

You do want to click the link above; it is quite beautiful. Here’s a taste.  Apologies for the large file, but you’ll see why.

Now go see the rest, at the link above.

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