Jan 24 2009


Category: abortion,Obamaharmonicminer @ 6:13 pm

I have written earlier about the failure to deal with evidence that characterizes those who fancy themselves “pro-life” or “pro-family” yet still voted for Obama in what can only be characterized as a spasm of wishful thinking.  Here is a new website offered by people hoping to bring some clarity to the discussion about what it is appropriate for Christians to support in the political sphere.  Along the way, they hope to  reopen dialog with Catholics and Evangelicals who voted for Obama, with the intent of moving past good intentions, and continuing to seek true alliance with Christians who want to resist immoral public policy. (much more at the link)

The Moral Accountability Project trusts that those self-identified pro-life and pro-marriage Catholics and Evangelicals who helped to put Barack Obama into a position to accomplish his goals were sincere in their admiration for him. We are willing to believe that they genuinely hope that he will go back on his pledges to attack pro-life laws and repeal pro-marriage policies. Still, actions have consequences, and the actions of these intellectuals and activists will have consequences that are all too easy to predict. With each assault of the Obama administration on laws and policies upholding the sanctity of human life and the dignity of marriage, we will ask all Catholics and Evangelicals, including those who supported Obama, to join us in resisting these assaults. That is what we will do at www.moralaccountability.com.

Our project is offered in a constructive spirit, not one of vilification. Our goal is to help ensure that never again will good intentions conspire with shoddy reasoning and wishful thinking to compromise the rights of the weakest and most vulnerable members of our community and to undermine the institution of marriage. And so in a sincere spirit of friendship, we invite those Catholics and Evangelicals who joined with Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Rights Action League, and similar organizations in supporting Obama to join us now in repelling the attacks that will be launched against life and marriage in this administration.

It’s time for some moments of clarity.  I join with MoralAccountability in keeping attention on the policies of the Obama administration as they affect life and marriage issues, and in calling for all Christians (and anyone else, for that matter) to assess his policies with wisdom and discernment.

But Obama has already kept an anti-life campaign promise.

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Jan 23 2009

It begins

Category: abortion,Obamaharmonicminer @ 9:36 am

This is only the beginning.

Obama to reverse abortion policy

President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order ending the ban on federal funds for international groups that promote or perform abortions, officials told The Associated Press on Friday.

The move, long expected in the Democratic president’s first week in office, will be welcomed by liberals and criticized by abortion rights foes.

The policy bans U.S. taxpayer money, usually in the form of U.S. Agency for International Development funds, from going to international family planning groups that either offer abortions or provide information, counseling or referrals about abortion. It is also known as the “global gag rule,” because it prohibits taxpayer funding for groups that even talk about abortion if there is an unplanned pregnancy.

Also known as the “Mexico City policy,” it has been reinstated and then reversed by Republican and Democratic presidents since GOP President Ronald Reagan established it in 1984. President Bill Clinton ended the ban in 1993, but President George W. Bush re-instituted it in 2001 as one of his first acts in office.

Wait until Congress passes the Freedom of Choice Act, and at a stroke of Obama’s pen, ALL state laws restricting any aspect of abortion whatsoever, and providing conscience protection for medical providers, are obliterated.

For those of you who style yourselves as “Christian moderates” and voted for Obama, even though you see yourself personally as “pro-life,” because “there are other critical issues,” I hope you’re going to be sleeping well over the next few years. Or maybe I don’t.

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Jan 07 2009

Top Ten Pro-Abortion Moments of 2008

Category: abortionharmonicminer @ 2:09 pm

Red Faced and Red Handed: Top Ten Pro-Abortion Moments of 2008

Read’em and weep, after you get done laughing.



Nov 18 2008

Precocious Frogs

Category: abortion,scienceharmonicminer @ 1:43 pm

So, unhatched frogs can learn to recognize predators while still in the egg. It would be fascinating for more research to be done, and widely reported, on what humans learn in the womb, would it not?  Anyway, here’s a little research into the mental abilities of unhatched frogs:
Continue reading “Precocious Frogs”

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Nov 17 2008

Obama on Freedom of Choice Act

Category: abortion,Obamaharmonicminer @ 11:46 am

Just in case you had any doubt.

There seem to be a lot of people hoping that they have not been complicit in the death of more babies by voting for Obama.

Continue to pray for a change of heart in Obama, and the people who voted for him knowing his position on abortion and FOCA.

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Nov 13 2008

The “Freedom of Choice Act”

Category: abortion,Congress,Obamaharmonicminer @ 10:28 pm

I think a great many Christians and Jews, including many who voted for Obama, do not understand the radical nature of the Freedom of Choice Act that is going to be before the next Congress. If they voted for Obama, they may believe that charges of his abortion radicalism are just political, and that he is actually “moderate” on abortion.

I hope that all Christians and Jews will inform themselves of the “Freedom of Choice Act” (surely one of the more misleading names in legislative history, since its entire purpose is to REMOVE choices from physicians, state legislators, parents, other healthcare workers and, of course, the aborted baby), and consider whether they can really support it, or politicans who support it. It is even MORE radical than the original Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling.
Continue reading “The “Freedom of Choice Act””

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Nov 01 2008

Once Upon A Time At The Pearly Gates

Category: abortionamuzikman @ 1:04 am

(A celestial conversation overheard just outside the gates of Heaven)

ST PETER: Welcome to Heaven! Well done, good and faithful servant. Your name is written in The Book of Life! Enter into the joy of the Lord!

NEW ARRIVAL: Not so fast!

ST. PETER: I beg your pardon.

NEW ARRIVAL: What makes you think I want to go in there.

ST PETER: But….I don’t understand.

NEW ARRIVAL: I have a bone to pick with God.

ST PETER: Oh Dear! This is most unusual. I’ve never seen anyone who wasn’t overjoyed about going through those gates and entering Heaven.

NEW ARRIVAL: Yeah? well, I guess I’m not overjoyed quite yet.

ST PETER: So it would appear!

Continue reading “Once Upon A Time At The Pearly Gates”


Nov 01 2008

Pro-life and for Obama? You’re DEEPLY confused and ill informed

Category: abortion,election 2008,Obamaharmonicminer @ 12:10 am

Opinion: Robert P. George on ‘Obama’s Abortion Extremism’ – Catholic Online

Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress.Yet there are Catholics and Evangelicals-even self-identified pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals – who aggressively promote Obama’s candidacy and even declare him the preferred candidate from the pro-life point of view.

What is going on here?

Indeed. The entire article above is worth reading. Just click the link.

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Nov 01 2008

Pro-Life for Obama?

Category: abortion,election 2008,Obamaharmonicminer @ 12:01 am

Here are two links to sites claiming you can be pro-life and for Obama.  Raise gullibility shields now.

Continue reading “Pro-Life for Obama?”

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Oct 04 2008

John Mark Reynolds on Roe and abortion

Category: abortionharmonicminer @ 8:25 am

Advance Liberty, Overturn Roe! | The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow

Every aborted baby looks alike, but every child allowed to live becomes absolutely unique. Abortion crushes liberty for the sake of a single choice—it ends possibility with the cruel actuality of murder.

Roe should be overturned because by judicial fiat it hallows killing the innocent as part of our Constitution. In a just society there can be no right to do evil. Not every evil should be illegal, but no evil action should be hallowed as a constitutional right.

It took years and much horror to remove slavery, another soul crushing immorality, from the Constitution, but at least the Founders authored this bad law. The court imposed a “culture of death,” to borrow a phrase from John Paul the Great, on our nation, contrary to our oldest traditions, our best moral impulses, and the gradual expansion of liberty and justice to all Americans.

Yes. Read it all.  And consider how Jesus of Nazareth would vote in the matter.

It seems likely that the next president will be appointing judges who will decide if Roe v. Wade is to be overturned.  If it is, abortion will not end, or suddenly be illegal, it will simply be returned to the states, where, presumbably, normal legislative processes will occur that actually represent the will of the people.    It does seem certain that abortion will be significantly reduced, if Roe is overturned.  That means that those who claim to “dislike abortion” but say “we can’t criminalize it” or “prolife is a seamless garment” are putting up a smokescreen to obscure the fact that they don’t want a legal change that is guaranteed to save many, many, many lives.


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