Mar 05 2011

You can kill ’em, just don’t cut ’em

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 8:34 pm

In San Francisco, the electorate may be considering a ban on infant circumcision, as Jewish groups oppose circumcision ban in US city . Odd that the infant doesn’t have a right to life 30 seconds before being born, but 1 minute later has a right to a foreskin.

Jewish groups and others are up at arms over an attempt to outlaw male circumcision in San Francisco by putting the issue to a popular vote.

Self-described “intactivist” Lloyd Schofield has been collecting signatures for a voter initiative that would criminalize infant circumcision in the Californian city.

After two months of collecting names, he claims to be more than half way toward getting the 7,168 signatures he needs by late April to put the matter on the November ballot.

Given that most Jews vote left, the cognitive dissonance is… cutting.