Sep 01 2008

I Hate, Therefore I Am

Category: Bush,Clinton,election 2008,Group-think,McCainamuzikman @ 8:00 am

It is clear to anyone paying attention to the Presidential race that a primary strategy being employed by the Obama campaign is to establish political equivalence between George Bush and John McCain. The Democratic candidate often repeats that a vote for McCain is a vote for 4 more years just like the last 8 years. The daily drumbeat is to fix in the minds of voters this simple equation, Bush=McCain.

The thinking behind this effort is fairly obvious. Bush is despised by the Left. McCain is like Bush. Therefore McCain should be despised as well.

Where did this hatred for Dubya come from? Why is he the object of such revulsion and animosity? The obvious answers are things like the 2000 election, the war in Iraq, the housing slump, high gas prices, hurricane Katrina, “global-warming”, Dick Cheney, “connections” to Big Oil, etc, etc, etc.

But I think the source of “Bush-loathing” goes a little farther back and is helpful in pointing out one rather significant difference between liberals and conservatives. I believe the genesis takes us to Bill Clinton.

Clinton did and said some things while in office that were considered pretty despicable by many people. They do not need to be reiterated here, no one has forgotten Monica Lewinski et al. But as a result of despicable actions he came to be despised by many, especially conservatives. But for those who did (and do) have contempt for Bill Clinton, it was because he earned it.

Enter George W. Bush. From day one he has been despised by the Left. At the time Bush took office I almost had the feeling  liberals (and their mainstream media shills) were saying, “OK, now we’ll show YOU how to detest a president!” But the difference is this. Because he was despised by the Left at the outset, EVERY action he has undertaken, seen through those lenses is considered to be despicable. Bush didn’t have to earn it, it was waiting for him when he got there and it has been that way for 8 years.

John McCain is NOT George Bush (yes, I’ve seen them together). But he does share one thing with Bush without even being elected – utter contempt from the Left. And like Bush, he won’t have to lift a finger, it will simply be bestowed upon him.

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Aug 30 2008

Kudos to Politico and Yahoo

Category: election 2008,Group-think,McCain,media,Palin,politicsharmonicminer @ 2:54 pm

Here is something so rare that it’s essentially a man bites dog story. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen something quite like this in political reporting. After running a story quoting various academics and political commentators bashing Gov. Palin as “too inexperienced” to be vice-president, Yahoo/Politico actually ran this update with a response from the McCain campaign.

Update: After reading this article, the McCain campaign issued the following statement: “The authors quote four scholars attacking Gov. Palin’s fitness for the office of Vice President. Among them, David Kennedy is a maxed out Obama donor, Joel Goldstein is also an Obama donor, and Doris Kearns Goodwin has donated exclusively to Democrats this cycle. Finally, Matthew Dallek is a former speech writer for Dick Gephardt. This is not a story about scholars questioning Governor Palin’s credentials so much as partisan Democrats who would find a reason to disqualify or discount any nominee put forward by Senator McCain.”

Two things, one unremarkable, one not:

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Aug 29 2008

The Left at Christian Universities, part 5: Silencing Free Expression the Gentle, Positive Way

This is a post in the chain on “The Left at Christian Universities”. The last, on diversity, was The Left at Christian Univs, part 4: Diversity.

It now appears that at least portions of the American academy are waking up to the threat against free speech and academic freedom represented by speech codes and “hate speech” laws, even in other nations.

Beware of Canada, where academic freedom is in jeopardy. That’s the message of a growing number of eminent scholars within the American Political Science Association (APSA) who have signed a petition expressing concern about presenting their work in Toronto, the expected location of the 2009 APSA conference.

And excerpts from the petition:

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Aug 26 2008

What’s In A Name (Caller)?

Category: Group-think,humor,politicsamuzikman @ 10:45 pm

The comments that follow are by no means based on scientific, analytical, mathematical or statistical methods. They are admittedly entirely anecdotal and personal, supported and substantiated by only my individual observation. Nevertheless…

I have read some blogs here and there. I have even left an occasional comment, but not many. Mostly I have written response comments concerning politics and political issues. I have even flown into the enemy’s lair (The Huffington Post), left a hurried comment while looking over my proverbial shoulder, and then run over to Rush Limbaugh’s website just to wash off!

Until lately most of what I’ve done that would pass for blogging is to write an occasional note on my Facebook page, usually trying to provoke thought in one or more students at the university where I teach.

But other than the aforementioned Facebook, where things generally remain civil because we all tend to know each other, I have had a fairly similar experience each time I engaged a liberal in written discussion. After trying to craft a cohesive, cogent statement about what I think and why I think it, I am rewarded with a response consisting of a couple paragraphs of name-calling, leftist pejorative cliches’ and downright hateful invective. in fact it happened tonight on good ol’ generally safe Facebook!

So, what is it with the rabid left? (And the dog metaphor really does work here) Many “hard-left” bloggers are like half-crazed dogs, having no desire to engage in even a greeting sniff or to acknowledge the presence of other breeds. They just want to mark their spot and move on. (Hey, wait a minute…move on, Wow!, you don’t suppose… nah, it couldn’t be!)

C’mon leftist friends, what are you afraid of – facts? persuasion? truth? a differing opinion that actually makes sense? How about trying a little persuasion. Make an argument, defend your position, and try not not to be so (yep, here it comes), “dog” matic!

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Jul 25 2008

Global warming and tree rings in Finland

Category: Al Gore,global warming,Group-thinkharmonicminer @ 9:06 am

An interesting article on Finnish tree ring studies which have been reconstructed to provide a 7000 year baseline of temperature changes, given the sensitivity of tree growth to temperature variation. The whole article is worth scanning, but the money quote is:

…a case for recent warming can be made based on the tree-ring record, but the recent warming is paled by many past events including many red-hot summers in Finland 7,000 years ago. If nothing else comes from their figure, be keenly aware that climate always changes, flat line periods simply do not exist!

In other words, sure, the climate is changing… again. It always has. But those changes have had nothing to do with human inputs, and current changes (which are overblown according to many experts) probably don’t have much to do with humans, either.

hat tip: chaos manor


Jul 21 2008

Yet another major scientist defects from the global warming religion

David Evans, consultant and scientist with the Australian Greenhouse Office from 1999 to 2005, says no evidence of carbon dioxide based greenhouse effect

since 1999 new evidence has seriously weakened the case that carbon emissions are the main cause of global warming, and by 2007 the evidence was pretty conclusive that carbon played only a minor role and was not the main cause of the recent global warming. As Lord Keynes famously said, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”

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Jul 03 2008

The weather report for 2100… with a straight face, even

Category: global warming,Group-thinkharmonicminer @ 9:00 am

As usual, the AP is in the tank for global warming scare-mongering, and continues its policy of see no skeptics, hear no skeptics, speak no skeptics. It’s as if they walk around with their eyes covered, ears plugged, and duct tape to slap on the mouth of anyone who says anything they can’t stand to hear.

During the European heat wave of 2003 that killed tens of thousands, the temperature in parts of France hit 104 degrees. Nearly 15,000 people died in that country alone. During the Chicago heat wave of 1995, the mercury spiked at 106 and about 600 people died.

In a few decades, people will look back at those heat waves “and we will laugh,” said Andreas Sterl, author of a new study. “We will find (those temperatures) lovely and cool.”

Sterl’s computer model shows that by the end of the century, high temperatures for once-in-a-generation heat waves will rise twice as fast as everyday average temperatures. Chicago, for example, would reach 115 degrees in such an event by 2100. Paris heat waves could near 109 with Lyon coming closer to 114.

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Jun 28 2008

You have to want to know the truth, and you have to do what’s right

Category: Group-think,Iraq,terrorism,tortureharmonicminer @ 10:25 am

Michael Yon is former special forces soldier turned war journalist, and author of the very important book, Moment of Truth in Iraq.

He has a dispatch up, titled On Joe Galloway, ostensibly about another journalist, but it covers so much ground, and works on so many levels, that I think it’s worth reading in full. It is ostensibly about the use of torture to get intelligence from terrorists and suspects, but it’s really about a great deal more. It’s really about how we make decisions, how we validate our ideas, where we get our ideas, and why we do what’s right. Though he generally supports the aims of the Iraq war, he is no blinkered ideologue. A sampling:

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