Jan 11 2011

New Appearance

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 5:39 pm

Well, I’m not deliriously happy with this new look, but it’s a start, and at least I’ve got the columns back, and you can see recent comments without scrolling to the bottom of the page.

More to come as I rebuild.

Jan 10 2011

Update on blog status and annual whine

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 10:31 pm

You will have noticed that I haven’t been blogging a lot lately. I’ve just been too busy. But I’ll be gradually doing a little more over the next weeks, if all goes well. I have temporarily disabled the subscribe feature, due to getting overwhelmed with spam. Soon, I hope to be installing a new blog setup, one that has features that will make it easier for me to avoid getting hacked and spammed into oblivion. You may have noticed that I can’t seem to get rid of the post that lives permanently in the upper right corner of my sidebar. That’s a symptom of the problems I’ve been having.

So stay tuned, if you’re interested, and things may be changing appearance (but not attitude) around here, and a little more may start happening again.

In the meantime, if you want to see a list of recent comments and recent posts, you’ll have to scroll WAY down the page to get to it.

I’ll fix it.


Jan 07 2011

You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 1:20 am

First the unaccompanied version, unless you count the harmonica.

Then we get the accompanied version.

Send this dog to college.

Jan 05 2011

Michelle Bachman: six times the class of Barbara Boxer

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 1:16 am

We all remember when Barbara Boxer dressed down a general for referring to her as “ma’am” (the same thing as “sir” to a military person), insisting he call her “Senator”.

How nice that Harry is on a first name basis with Congresswoman Bachman. Apparently he isn’t so close to his other guests. I expect that he would have called Barbara Boxer “Senator”….. or possibly “your highness.”

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