Sep 25 2008

Heroes & Villains

Category: Congress,corporations,corruption,economyamuzikman @ 6:29 pm

From our earliest childhood we are confronted by the epic struggle between the forces of good and evil.   We see it in literature, in sports, on stage and screen.  It is a subject with apparently endless possibilities.  This conflict between two opposing forces is frequently illustrated through fictitious characters who personify those forces and who engage in frequent battles for supremacy.  Countless myths and stories are told of heroes vs villains, evil witches and fairy God-mothers, the cowboy in the white hat vs. the one with a black hat.  For every Luke Skywalker there must be a Darth Vader, Batman has the Joker and the Dodgers have the Giants (sorry, bias exposed!). The object lesson is clear.  These stories teach us to seek the good.  Likewise we learn to shun the bad.

But what is so very clear and simple in a play, motion picture or novel, is almost never as clear in real life.  But that doesn’t keep us from trying to disregard the complex in favor of the simple.  We want to blame someone for their evil deeds and we want the hero to show up just in the nick of time and save us just like in some old serial Western.

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Sep 09 2008

Thank You, Sir. May I Have Another?

Category: Congress,corruptionamuzikman @ 8:00 am

OK, movie trivia buffs – from what movie does the title of this blog come? If you said Animal House, (1978) you are correct. The scene is an outrageously funny spoof of a fraternity initiation. In a secretive, candle-lit, quasi-sado/masochistic ceremony, gleefully sinister hooded frat boys take sensual delight in whacking the backsides of the “whitey/tighty”-clad pledges who must cry out, “Thank you sir. May I have another?” each time they are smacked with a wooden paddle.

It struck me this scene is a perfect metaphor for the relationship between American citizens (the pledges) and the United States Congress (the frat boys). The latest wallop to our collective backsides? The recent revelations regarding unethical and quite possibly illegal real estate dealings of the “honorable” Charles Rangel, Congressman, 15th Congressional District, New York.

According to Thomas Lifson, at American Thinker:

Charles Rangel, a man who writes federal tax laws as head of the House Ways and Means Committee, not only failed to pay taxes on income he received from a luxury resort property he owns, he financed the purchase with an interest-free loan from a campaign backer who is also a politically active lawyer.

To read the complete article, go to:

And, of course Speaker of the House Pelosi will do everything she can to hide, obfuscate, and delay any investigation until after the November election. The other frat boys and girls, (Congressional members of the same party) will circle the wagons in order to protect one of their own. The Mainstream Media shills will bury the story as long as possible – heck, we might even get some cries of “racism”, because ol’ Charlie happens to be black. And We The People will respond once again in enthusiastic unison, “Thank you, sir. May I have another?”

When are we going to get up off our proverbial hands and knees? When do we collectively put our pants back on, snatch the paddle from their hands and decide to offer up an equally famous quote from another movie, “I’m mad as Hell and I’m not going to take it any more!” (Peter Finch in the 1976 movie, Network)?

We CAN say that very thing, if we possess the collective will. We CAN do something about it, if and when we decide we’ve had enough. We don’t have to keep getting paddled by a seemingly endless parade of the corrupt, greedy, and hypocritical from both sides of the aisle that populate the halls of Congress. We The People can go to the ballot box. We The People can vote out EVERY incumbent. There’s one action that might just send a message.

Or we can all bend over, grab our ankles and wait for our corporal cue to utter the Animal House line once again…and again and again and again and………….

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Aug 12 2008

Senator Pat Wiggins Wigs Out

Category: Congress,humor,politicsharmonicminer @ 9:18 am

Well… now we know the high level of discourse in the California State Senate, when an invited witness says something even vaguely challenging to the status quo. Warning: the following is rated PG for language. Not R… but definitely PG.

Democratic Senator Pat Wiggins decided on a terse, efficient response to the testimony of a pastor who was discussing the impact of proposed federal regulations on his community: Bulls**t. That’s right… to a pastor, who was speaking with complete politeness and deference to the high station of the Senators. Republicans have been known, on rare occasions, to use, uh, colorful language to other Senators. I do not recall hearing of one speaking this way to a witness, particularly one so polite and graceful himself.

You’ll note that the committee chair immediately leaps in to try to ameliorate the damage… but in this case, video is wonderful thing.

If Senator Wiggins, a white woman, had been a Republican who spoke this way to a black witness (espeically one so polite), anyone want to take the bet that she wouldn’t be getting called a racist? Pastor Robert Jones is a United Methodist, a denomination not known for rabid conservatism and right-wing polemics.

The hearing was about (you guessed it) global warming. I guess the good Senator got a little hot under the collar.

Senator Pat Wiggins Wigs Out

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Jul 08 2008

What month is it this month?

Category: Congress,humor,politicsharmonicminer @ 10:00 pm

Here is a list of all the months that Congress has designated over the last 18 months.

This is really important stuff, and I think we need to suggest some more months to Congress for designation as special events.

National Ear Mark Month

National Jump The Shark Month

National Stay Home, I Can’t Afford Gas Month

National Snail Darter Awareness Month

National Antarctica Isn’t Melting Month

National CIA Suspicion Month

National Late-Term Abortion Rights Month

National Polygamy If You’re Islamic Month

National White Married Male Churchgoer Heritage Month

National Red-Haired People’s Awareness Month

National Homeless Trombonists Awareness Month and National Wear Brass Day

National Honk If You’re On Jihad Day

National Firearms Registration and Confiscation Month (to be celebrated only once)

National Talk Radio Heritage Month

National Toe-Tapping In Airport Rest Rooms Awareness Month

National Cash In The Freezer Month and National Wear Green Day

National Mark Steyn Day

National Mecca Is That Way Day

National Kennedy Compound Windmills Month

National Open Borders Month

National Islamic Terrorist Apologists Month (to be timed with Ramadan each year)

National Let’s Cancel Congress Until Next Year Month

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