Sep 17 2008

50 Fundamentals from my friend

Category: philosophyharmonicminer @ 6:53 pm

My friend (and the father of my son-in-law), Tony Andreola, recently sent me his list of 50 fundamental beliefs.  Much of it is simply common sense that has been forgotten in many quarters.  These aren’t all equally fundamental, and some are more observations than beliefs, but you get the idea.  Tony is the kind of guy you want for your neighbor.

Herewith I reproduce, for your edification.

Tony’s Top 50 fundamental Beliefs

1. God is real
2. Love your wife.
3. Being a Parent is a High Calling.
4. “My observation is that women are merely waiting for their husbands to assume       leadership.”  James Dobson
5. “A man travels the world over to search for what he needs, and returns home to find it.” George Moore
6.  Idealism is not always practical.
7. “Truths are stubborn things” John Adams
8. Liberals are emotionally driven
9. “A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.”  Robert Frost

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