Mar 27 2011

Selling what no one needs as if it mattered if they buy it?

Category: Beautyharmonicminer @ 10:53 am

At Pyromaniacs: Open Letter to Rob Bell, there is a thoughtful post addressed mostly to Rob Bell, whose recent book seems to suggest some form of “universal salvation”. The article is well worth reading, but this comment from a reader of that blog named “H” seems unusually pithy to me.

He <Rob Bell> makes his living from tithes and offerings by preaching things that don’t need to be heard to people that don’t need to hear them because they will ultimately be saved from sinfulness they really don’t possess by a Savior they didn’t even need when they were alive who died for no reason because he planned to save them regardless anyway, then writes a
book explaining it all to people that don’t even need to understand it because (again) they’re going to get saved anyway.

By extension, this sort of comment applies to all those who a selling some kind of “social salvation in the here and now” and not the eternal salvation of God.

H/T: Melody